Monday, 5 March 2012

Kroombit: The Real Outback Experience!

The next stop north, saw 15 hungover backpackers and one very excited and slightly quirky driver board the Oz Experience bus at 7 in the morning. Although we were sad to say goodbye to 1770 and it's relaxed vibe, we were all itching to get to the farm to act out our inner cowboy or cowgirl. 

When we arrived at Kroombit, we were kitted up with one akubra and one 'yeeeehaaaaa scarf' as I liked to call it.

First activity on the farm was to mount our chosen horses and muster up the goats on the property. I was given Grace, who was very beautiful and yet very grumpy. And although I hate to admit it, I feel like they specifically chose Grace for me as at times, I too can be stubborn. During some stages of the muster, she refused to move when kicked repetitively, and even begun biting other horses and humans when they walked near her.

Next activity was to lasso goats and then brand them. This was definitely the funniest activity of the day. There were a lot of girl screams, coming from guys and girls haha and a lot of laughter. I also was surprised at how difficult it was to hold the goat while it was getting branded.

After the branding, we made our way back to camp to try our hand at whip cracking. As predicted, I was dreadful at it and couldn't master the technique. Some girls in our group, did however master whip cracking and linked their success to a lot of built up anger and frustration that was being let out on the ground and whip. Note to self - let anger build up so that I can kick butt at whip cracking next time.

The final task of the day was to have a good feed, make the most of the $10 "Giggly Juice" that was stocked in the bar and most importantly to ride the infamous mechanical bull.

We were lucky enough to be the first group to 'break in' the new bull. As you can imagine, I had no balance or riding skills what so ever and ended up falling off within the first 6 seconds of riding it every time. Although admittedly my riding skills were a major fail and slightly embarrassing, I did have an amazing time and have never laughed more in my life.